Wednesday, 23 May 2012

32 Weeks +++

Amazing! In less than 10 mins, I got to see the Dr today. Thanks to the nurse in charge who called me to let me know the best time to come. Today, we saw our son's hair! Yes he is not bald hehe. And he is 1.8 kgs now. I've gained 0.5 kg since my last visit to see Dr Premitha 3 weeks ago. Total weight gain to date is 10kgs! I experienced the contraction like pain twice today. OMG they were painful! But the breathing technique works. The pain only lasted for about 30 secs. Hmmmmm.... I can't wait to hold my son. We have his car seat and changing mat ready now though his cot is not up yet. I'll wait until I'm about 36 weeks for that ;) hubby almost dances when he talks about his son. The joy of expecting your first child is amazing. once in awhile, I think about our frozen eggs in the babies are in the lab. I hope they too are doing ok....

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