Sunday, 20 November 2011

At 5 weeks +++

Hello, I'm back! :)

As I have mentioned in my previous entry, I will continue writing until the end of my first trimester. In my 5th week, I have been having sleepless nights. My AF like cramp normally kicks in at 2 or 4 o'clock in the morning! It happens during the day too. They are not too painful but enough to keep me awake, making me feel sorry for I pray quietly alone at night or munch some crackers to make the pain go away. They normally work, thank God :)

I know 2ww is hard, but getting through the first semester is harder for me. I worry all the time. When I am not in pain, I wonder if the baby is ok. But when I am in pain, I started to worry about the possibility of miscarriage ....I need to snap out of this I know, but it is so hard, harder than I thought. I feel blessed and I am not complaining, but I need to stop worrying but I just don't know how :(

Now at 5 weeks ++, my cramp is not as frequent as the last week but I am very very emotional. I cried at the smallest things - hubby came home late, reading about poor people, no one offers me food, uncooperative committees for an event that I am organising etc. I'm quite warm too, almost all the time with increase cm down there. I miss having sex with my husband but looks like he in enjoying this one way pleasure, hmmmmph!

I hope next week will be better and I hope my baby is doing great...Please pray for us! And I am thinking of all of you, my readers of your TTC thoughts and prayers are always with you...


  1. I have mild cramp like those happens during PMS until about week 7. Your uterus is adjusting to her new tenant, so there is nothing to worry about, unless there is blood spotting. Try talking to your baby. Tell him/ her to be strong as mummy is here to support him/ her at all time. I know this sound a bit stupid as the embryo doesn't even have a proper shape yet. But this was what I did during my 1st trimester. I felt better after doing so.

  2. Glad to see your blog post finally, was missing it. Don't worry keep praying. Only God can help you. And think of all what u have. You are indeed one of the most lucky one's! You don't have to worry about negative things, don't think of them at all. You stayed positive during 2ww, didn't even do hpt, so try to keep the same spirit. u must be really looking forward to your heartbeat scan day.

    Tc and my good wishes are for you....

  3. Minzy- well done for getting through your first trimester :) when did your morning sickness begins btw? I love your tips btw!

    Wannabe mom- thank you Hun! Yes I am. The clinic called to check how I am doing today. They sounded concern about the cramp but glad no spotting. I will keep you positive words in mind!!! :)

  4. My 'evening sickness' began from week 8. It lasted until week 15. Have just written an entry about my morning sickness experience, welcome to drop by if you have time.

  5. Thanks Minzy, I read the entry right after I asked you the question hehe

    But now I'm worried about chemical pregnancy... :(

  6. Hi! just to let u know that ive made changes to my blog ID :) hope ull still read my blog!
