Thursday, 23 June 2011

Waiting for Assessment Day

Today is day 28 of my cycle which means I should be getting my period in a few days time. For the first time since we started trying to conceive, I feel very excited about my period. I can't wait to start this whole IVF process. I will be ringing KL Fertility Centre the day I get my period....again, excited!

Someone close to me is now 7 weeks pregnant. I am happy beyond words for her. I will love her baby like my own I went shopping with her to buy some essentials since she started to put on weight due to the pregnancy. And no, she does not know that I am having problem conceiving. I will tell her one day but not yet. She deserves to enjoy her pregnancy and should not feel sad for me. So the secret remains for now :)

I have also decided to stop reading more on IVF for now....simply because we just wanted to give it a break. Also to just enjoy each other's company even more. If the IVF is a success, we might even end up with a pair of twins next year ;) so for now, the future mummy and daddy are going on their honeymoon again! :D

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Dato' Dr Prashant

Finally, our first day meeting the doctor.

I went alone to get the result of the SA yesterday. The sperm count has inceased to 8mil from 3mil. Motility increases from 49% to 50%. The result is still within the same range. I went home, told my husband subtly and both of us were ok with it.

We arrived at 10 at the clinic but only got to see the Dr at 1030am. I have been warned about the wait through reading a few blogs written by other patients of Dr Prashant. I killed the waiting time by going through the Royal Wedding photos in Hello!. Such a happy occasion and it reminded me of my wedding day, 2 years ago.

Dr Prashant was very direct with us. He started asking standard questions, started looking at the sperm test result and straight away said...'You need to do IVF'. I was disappointed because I was hoping to be able to do IUI since I am scared of needles but at the same time, I was glad to get a straight forward answer. To me, it is better to spend all that money on the best option rather than hunting on simpler option yet not going anywhere. Hubby was calm too even though I know he was still upset with the fact that I forced him to do the count earlier than he wanted to. The main point is, sperm count test does not change in 1 month or a week. The count, if changes, will only happen in 3 months.

We spent maybe 10mins with Dr Prashant. All I can say for now, he is very direct and did not waste anyone's time.I have not done any procedure with him, so I could not write a review on his work. We shall find out when I come back for my assessment in my next cycle!

We then went to see Nurse H who explains about IVF. I was happy and full with hope when she said with IVF, for people at my age, we have 65% success rate. That is good enough for me. Then suddenly Dr Prashant walked in and we asked him about IUI. He said with IUI, with the sperm count that we have, it is only 1% chance that we will be able to conceive. Of course, IVF is expensive. After further discussion, considering our age, the cost for our IVF treatment is going to be RM15,500. The normal package is RM17,500 but since they categorised us as a young couple, we were given RM2k discount.

I will have to come back for an assessment on day 2 and day 10 of my cycle to see if I am a suitable candidate for IVF. Between now and then, hubby and I will discuss when to start our IVF journey. With Ramadhan coming and both of us going away for holiday soon, we plan to postpone our IVF to September. It feels ages away but I would like to have a good Ramadhan. I really hope Allah will answer our prayers....we both can wait a little longer. After all, a child is a gift from Him....we have accepted that our journey towards having a child is not as easy as others and we will keep on trying.

Today, I feel content....for the first time, I feel there is hope and we started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. InsyaAllah, we will be ok. I hope we will...

Cost for today - RM100 for semen analysis and RM100 for consultation. To me, this was way cheaper than the charge by my gynae at Primanora, TTDI. We may have to spend more in our next visit for my assessment since my next visit will involve blood test and ultrasound scan. Until then, I am just going to take a break from thinking about this and just enjoy life as usual. Until next time :)

Friday, 10 June 2011

Giving Up?

To be honest, I feel like I am giving up. It is my husband with the fertility problem but he can act like nothing is going on...he keeps on saying how much he wants a child yet I am doing everything. The research, the walk to the clinic, the pain. It is tough being in my shoes. I read so many blogs...most of them have problem with the wives. Not many with male fertility problem. I feel so alone...I really hope my blog can help the wives out there with problem like mine. At the end of the day, everyone is alone. You just need to be strong because at the end of the day, it is just you and your problem.

Yesterday, after months of stress and sadness, finally my husband agreed to tell his parents. I have been wanting to tell my in laws ages ago but hubby said no. My in laws were calm about it. They think it is too early for us to go through fertility treatment. Hubby told them in a subtle way, as if it is a small problem. Well maybe it is. How bad is it to live our lives without a child of our own? If it is up to me, just adopt one for now and let God determine the rest. Plus, the pain that I am going through now is just too much....

Today, we sent our SA to the clinic. Nurse H and another nurse were there to greet me. Today I saw about 4 couples at the clinic, not too crowded like the last visit. The result will be ready on 14062011. I would like to review the result before we see the Dr on the 15th. To be honest, I am not expecting much improvement since I am still not pregnant....

I am feeling extremely sad today...the rude tone of voice which some people around me are using is not helping my depression. The news every single week that a family member or a friend is pregnant is becoming unbearable. I always hope it is a journey together...but it could be my journey alone. What ever it will be, I will prepare myself for it.

I read a very motivating blog today...if you are reading my blog, you should read her blog too:

Overall, not a good day.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Decision Time!

Since the last 10months, we have tried various medications which include Tribestan, Vitamins C, E, zinc, folic acid and fertility blend for both men and women. Results? No pregnancy. We will be doing our second semen analysis tomorrow...I am hoping Hubby's sperm count has increased. It will be good for his confidence.

Yesterday, the 7th of June 2011, we have both decided to go for Assisted Reproduction programme. We consulted my mother, the only third person who knows about our problem so far. This is not a kind of illness that you would want to share with the whole world. Mom is very supportive. We wished we could tell the rest of our family members but we are not ready. I started googling the best clinics and hospitals....we finally decided on KL Fertility Clinic and will be seeing Dr Prashant Nadkarni next week.

I visited the clinic alone yesterday to register and to get the pot for our SA. The clinic was packed, I saw 3 Malay couples, 3 Indians and 2 Chinese. They were all in their 30s. I was probably the youngest patient at the clinic. Everyone avoided each other's eyes...probably embarrassed. It felt weird but I like the ambience at the clinic. The Nurse, let's just call her Nurse H has been very helpful. Visit 1 - no negative feeling!

My advise for choosing the right clinic is, please consider the 3 things below:

1) the distance from your house. The nearer the better.
2) the doctor! I shall write more on this next week when I see my Dr on the 15th
3) the ambience. I am ok with KL Fertility so far.

We are both very excited about the process but nervous and scared at the same time. I am very inclined towards IUI, hoping we don't have to go for IVF which is very invasive and expensive.

I am praying to God to give us stregth to go through the process....

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The day we got to know Infertility

Dear Readers,

It has been exactly 10 months today since we got to know the word infertile, 8 years and 2 months since we fell in love and 1 year 10 months since we got married. I am writing this blog not just as a note to myself in the future but also, hopefully to help others who are going through the same problem as us.

Since the day I met my husband, that was the day I know I want to carry his child. Never I wake up without feeling grateful to have a devoted husband who loves me the way he does. When our gynae confirmed that Hubby has a very low sperm count of 3mil per ml, our heart shattered. Hubby was devastated and I felt like half of me is paralyzed, seeing how sad he was. It was not the word infertile that hits me hard but seeing the love of my life so sad, made me fell apart.

I tried to be strong, straight away googling blogs and alternative treatments. We will not give up and we will fight this... This blog is our journey towards finding the mini us...together, hubby and me.

Welcome to our blog, our journey together towards the mini us!